Simpson and Duffy Big Book


Shortlisted for The Australian Awards for Excellence in Educational Publishing for 2003.

This resource aligns with the Australian Curriculum : History  for Year 3. It may also be used within the Australian Curriculum : English [Literature Strand] for Years 1-3 in the Big Book format.

  • Primary Teaching and Learning Package
    Published March 2003
    Author - Mary Small
    Illustrator - Ester Kasepuu
    Paperback with celloglaze cover and celloglaze pages; 32 pp excluding cover; Big Book/Portrait; Colour illustrations every page
  • Includes:
    A teachers’ manual on CD-ROM written by Tracey Linnane, Early Childhood Consultant;
    The narrated story -- Simpson and Duffy on CD; and
    A set of 4 colour posters telling the Simpson and Duffy story using selected text and illustrations from the book.
    6 x Simpson and Duffy Shelf books

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