Books & Learning Packs

Browse among our unique and growing collection of books on ANZAC Day and the ANZACs. Also included are several teaching and learning packs. All of our books are printed in Australia. Prices ex and inclusive of GST are shown. All orders are shipped by couriers or Australia Post. Orders to an address in Australia incur a flat shipping and handling charge of $7.70 (incl GST) per order. Orders sent to international locations attract a shipping cost based on weight.

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  • A is for ANZAC - Revised

    By Matt Anderson

    This resource aligns with the Australian  Curriculum : History for Years 3 and 6 as well as the historical context component in the Australian Curriculum : English [Literature Strand]for Year 5.

    Each letter of the alphabet is used to represent an ANZAC related theme (e.g. W is for War Memorial).

    Suit middle primary - lower secondary.
    2nd Ed (revised) - ISBN  978-0-9804480-2-3
    Paperback with celloglaze cover 26 pp excluding cover; B5 size; full colour

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  • Feathered Soldiers: An illustrated tribute to Australia's wartime messenger pigeons (big book kit)

    This resource aligns with the  Development of Historical Text within the Australian Curriculum: History for Year 6 .It is also a suitable text for middle primary years in the Big Book format within the historical context of the Australian Curriculum: English [Literature Strand].

    A Teaching and Learning Package for Primary Schools.

    ISBN 0-9757123-1-4

    Published 2005

    Written by Vashti Farrer & Mary Small; Illustrator -- Elizabeth Alger

    Paperback with celloglaze cover and pages; 32pp excluding cover 
    Big Book/Portrait 490mmx360mm; colour Illustrations every page

    Package includes: 1 x Big Book 6 x Shelf Books (B5 size)
    Classroom activities on CD-ROM

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  • Digging for Diggers

    Shortlisted for The Australian Awards for Excellence in Educational Publishing for 2003.

    This resource aligns with the Australian Curriculum : History for Year 9.

    It is also a useful tool when teaching  research skills at any upper school level.

    This book is the definitive guide to researching the military history of a WW1 Digger. In a step by step approach, author Graeme Hosken provides the researcher with all of the information and tools necessary to complete the task.

    80 pages plus cover

    ISBN 0-9580273-2-3 

    Published October 2002

    Author Graeme Hosken

    Published by ADCC Publications

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  • Why are they marching, Daddy? (Big Book Kit)

    See also next item - accompanying Kit - available to supplement this item

    This resource aligns with the Australian Curriculum : History for Year 3. It may also be used within the family history component of the Australian Curriculum : English [Literature Strand] for Years P-3 in the Big Book format.

    ISBN 0-9577957-7-7

    Published January 2002

    Editor - Di Burke

    Illustrator - Elizabeth Alger

    Paperback with celloglaze cover and pages;16 pp excluding cover; Big Book/Portrait 490mmx360mm; Colour illustrations every page

    Comes with a special kit to use with the book. The kit includes:

    • A teachers’ manual written by Tracey Linnane, on CD
    • A set of word cards – 27 words with illustrations specific to the big book;
    • The oral story – ‘Why are they marching, Daddy?’ on CD; and
    • 6 x Why are they marching, Daddy? Shelf books
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  • Lofty's Mission

    Written by well known children's book author Krista Bell and illustrated by the wonderful paper images of David Miller, this book is a must for all lower primary school children's bookshelves.

    This resource aligns with the Australian Curriculum : History for Years 1 and 2 and Australian Curriculum: English [Literature Strand ]for Years 1 and 2.

    Harley McNamara has bred Lofty to be a champion racing pigeon. Now the army needs strong messenger pigeons to help win the war and Harley's dreams are shattered when Lofty is taken from him. Will Lofty ever come home?

    This entrancing little fiction based on fact story highlights how, in Australia between 1942 and 1943 during the Second World War, home breeders donated more than 13 000 baby pigeons ('squeakers') to the army to be trained as messenger pigeons. Several Australian birds were awarded the Dickins Medal for bravery.

    Weight: 120g
    ISBN - 978 - 0 - 9804480 - 7 - 8
    Pages 32 pages
  • In Search of ... series

    This resource aligns with the Australian Curriculum: History for Year 10 . It also fits perfectly into developing the skill of Inquiry Based Learning from Years 6-9.

    A Teaching and Learning Package for Upper Primary/Lower Secondary Students.

    The 5 books provide resources to help students explore aspects of the life and Australians' experiences of WW1 through evidence from the time. 

    The approach of the books reflects a commitment to an inquiry approach to learning -- the conviction that students learn best by doing. Includes a CD-ROM with 5 interactives for teachers to use in conjunction with the printed books and online support material on the ADCC website

    Written for upper primary/lower secondary.

    ISBN 0-9757123-4-9
    Published 2005
    Produced for the ANZAC Day Commemoration Committee of Queensland by Ryebuck Media Pty Ltd.

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  • In Search of Ethel Allchin

    The individual book from the In Search of … series.

    ISBN 0 9581625 6 5

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  • In Search of the AE2

    The individual book from the In Search of … series.

    ISBN 0 9581625 9 X

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  • 'Don't forget me, cobber!'

    This resource aligns with the Australian Curriculum: History for Year 9.

    A comprehensive account of WW1 and Australians’ battlefield experiences at Gallipoli, on the Western Front and in the Middle East. Includes the desert campaigns fought by the lighthorsemen and the contribution of the Navy, Flying Corps and the nurses.
    Suit middle primary to lower secondary.

    ISBN 0 9757123 5 7
    Author-Matt Anderson
    Second edition
    Published 2006
    Paperback; 40 pp
    B5 Portrait
    Colour images and B&W photographs throughout.

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  • When the War Came

    This resource aligns with the Australian Curriculum: History for Year 10: "The impact of World War II, with particular emphasis on the Australian Home Front"

    By Vashti Farrer

    Sally and her friends live in Kings Cross where there's a constant fear of possible invasion, especially after Japanese mini-subs enter Sydney Harbour! There are rations and restrictions and blackouts and the constant worry of having fathers serving overseas. Even Sal's eccentric Gran can't always cheer her up as she waits for her Dad to come home.

    Vashti Farrer is an author well known for her books for young people and her wonderful historical fiction. This account of the Second World War as viewed through a young Sydney girl's eyes is an accurate, exciting and invaluable record for all youngsters who would like to know about this important period in Australian history.

    Aligns perfectly with the Year 10 history syllabus "The importance of World War 2 with particular emphasis on the home front…"

    This text also supports differentiation of learning by having accessible entry points and multiple exit points. The students can read the text and the teacher can provide opportunities for them to display skills reflective of Blooms Taxonomy.

    Suitable for Upper Primary to mid Secondary. Published by the ANZAC Day Commemoration Committee (Qld) Inc, 2012. Soft cover, 105 photographs, 112 pages. ISBN 978-0-9804480-4-7

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