The Legend of the Light Horse Big Book + CD-ROM


A Teaching and Learning Package for Primary Schools.

This resource aligns with the Australian Curriculum: History for Years 6 and 9 but is also a suitable  text for middle primary years in the Big Book format within the historical context of the Australian Curriculum : English [Literature Strand]
ISBN 978-0-9804480-0-9

Published 2007

A revised edition of the book written by Ian Jones in 1987; Illustrated by Basil and Wendy Gay

Paperback with celloglaze cover and pages

40 pp excluding cover; includes comprehensive glossary

Big Book/Portrait 485mmx340mm; colour

Package includes: 1 x Big Book 

Classroom activities on CD-ROM

A comprehensive account of the Australian Light Horse in WW1 – at Gallipoli, on the Western Front and across the vast deserts of the Middle East.

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